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Grant Adams's Biography(Books)(Photos)

Grant Adams
Grant Adams - is dating advice expert on Online Dating and how to get the women attracted to you by effectively using your profile to make you stand out amongst the sea of men in online dating.

Grant Adams has experienced a level of success in both his dating life and his career that would be the envy of most men. Now, in a rare discussion exclusive to the VIRTUOSITY series, Grant reveals how he dealt with the very real pain of divorce in his life, and --importantly--how he was able to parlay a difficult time in his life into massive success with women going forward. Learn what every divorced man needs to know in order to effectively deal with past mistakes and/or emotional hurt, make solid future decisions regarding women, and--of course--become a man who attains complete control over his own wildly successful dating life. Expect a refreshingly frank discussion between Grant and I that is sure to inspire you like no other and keep you riveted to your seat. If you are a divorced man, you are about to realize that Grant and I are two guys you could have a beer with.

Grant made his debut in the attraction community with his breakthrough ebook, "Net2Bed: How To Attract The Woman of Your Dreams For a Night, A Lifetime... Or Anything In Between." A Hollywood writer (Emmy-nominated!), Grant turned his Stanford PhD and Madison Avenue-trained wordsmithing skills into dating Nirvana after a sudden divorce.

"I hadn't dated since college, was a wreck and had NO idea how to approach women. Online dating was like a gift from the gods. With a few deft profile lines, I could induce trust, humor, strength, vulnerability, mystery, electric contrast, intrigue and rapport... and women were writing to me from day one."

Following his post-divorce "kid in a candy shop" period, Grant honed in on creating a life that would naturally attract the only women who interested him anymore, what he calls, "spiritually hot."

Grant's a great guy and a truly gifted teacher, and his interview with me is a favorite among our VIP members.

What truly impresses me about Grant is his unique ideas on building solid rapport... not based on what you "do" in front of a woman, but by who you are before you even meet her. He will be sharing with us his new work on creating "Deep Attraction" rapport within seconds, and over time.

Grant Adams has developed a reputation as being one of the country's leading Dating Guru's, specializing in helping men date and seduce women more effectively online. Many such Guru's or Pick Up Artists have emerged in the market as of late, because many men are interested in boosting their dating skills. Pick Up Artists, such as Adams, have been featured in books, newspaper articles, realty TV and documentaries.

However, Adams has created a unique niche for himself by developing a system that was specifically designed to help men stand out online. Most systems are specifically designed to help men excel when dealing with women in person, however, with the increase in internet dating his system has become very popular.

An expert marketer and master promoter, Grant Adams discussed how the idea of meeting women off the Internet made absolute sense. Adams proclaimed that 73% of single people in America have or are doing on-line dating, so if you as a single man haven't tried it, you're missing out on a great opportunity.

He explained how through personal profiles and emails someone can actually make a woman desire sleeping with you before she has even met you face to face. He then went on to explain the dos and don't of on-line dating. Choosing the proper pictures, using the right verbiage and language on-line could entice a woman to choose you over 100 of other men writing her. He also explained how having the proper screen name can separate you from the rest of the crowd.

His presentation did come off a little like a slick infomercial, but overall Grant's presentation was an overall asset to the conference.