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Anonymous Books 

About Body Language by Anonymous
What You Should Know About Body Language: Subtle Communication Counts. People understand the concept of body language but don't really have a one-stop source for reference. In this article, I will attempt to share body language basics. This article will not be an exhaustive or detailed description... >>More<<
Ten To One Method Self Hypnosis by Anonymous
Self-Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration (trance), with the willingness to follow instructions (suggestibility). Self-hypnosis is often more practical as a stress management tool than normal hypnosis, as you do not need... >>More<<
A Young Girl Diary by Anonymous
This diary is a gem. Never before, I believe, has anything been written enabling us to see so clearly into the soul of a young girl, belonging to our social and cultural stratum, during the years of puberal development. (Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul.) >>More<<
My Secret Life Volumes I To Iii by Anonymous
An exellent memoir of a man's dedication to sexual pleasure and adventure. A glimpse at a society and time gone and little recorded. Also, a book that can be read with one hand. >>More<<