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Dr Paul - The King Warrior Magician And Lover (151.0 Kb eBook, $24.34 FREE)

Cover of Dr Paul's Book The King Warrior Magician And Lover
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Dr Paul is a frequent teacher to the gurus: David DeAngelo, Neil Strauss, Mystery and adding science and professionalism to the men's community training programs at every opportunity.He has also been a contributing expert for CNN, Fox News, NBC, CBS, and been featured in the magazines Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Men's Fitness, and Blender.
Dr Paul - "The King Warrior Magician And Lover" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Sex
Author:      Dr Paul
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This is the most powerful story for romance, business, and social power you will ever read. It is a concept so easy to understand and practice in your everyday life that you will kick yourself for never realizing it. And this story must be read symbolically, looking for hidden meanings in order to fully grasp its power. If I am offering you a massive and powerful psychological secret here--one that above all others will make your life more powerful for the rest of your life--then why is this book so short for even this modest price? Simple. The ideas you are about to encounter are definable as elegant.

In this brief but powerful work, we can understand how to instantly understand the basic nature of other people we encounter, what they are likely to prefer in life, what methods THEY use to navigate life, and how they are likely to get along or not get along with US. My aim in this book is to show you how necessary and joyful it is to have others involved in our personal growth process and us to be involved in theirs. Whether in business, friendship or that thing we call love, this is the magic--this is the SPARK of human relationships. As has been said in every well-loved romantic comedy, in one way or another, we can find it inescapable to say to those we respect and love, "You complete me. You complete me." - Dr Paul

Dr Paul is a frequent teacher to the gurus: David DeAngelo, Neil Strauss, Mystery and adding science and professionalism to the men's community training programs at every opportunity.

He has also been a contributing expert for CNN, Fox News, NBC, CBS, and been featured in the magazines Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Men's Fitness, and Blender.