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Jack Morin - 10 Rules Of Anal Sex (49.0 Kb eBook)

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Jack Morin, PhD, a San Francisco sex therapist and researcher, is the author of Anal Pleasure and Health.Anal Eroticism is surrounded by a powerful taboo. Yet millions of men and women - straight, gay and bisexual - are experimenting with anal sex. The anus, richly endowed with nerve endings and interconnected with the main pelvic muscles, is the closest erogenous neighbor of the genitals and contracts rhythmically during orgasm. Thirty-five years ago, Kinsey stated that the anal region had erotic significance for about half... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Sex
Author:      Jack Morin
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Jack Morin, PhD, a San Francisco sex therapist and researcher, is the author of Anal Pleasure and Health.

Anal Eroticism is surrounded by a powerful taboo. Yet millions of men and women - straight, gay and bisexual - are experimenting with anal sex. The anus, richly endowed with nerve endings and interconnected with the main pelvic muscles, is the closest erogenous neighbor of the genitals and contracts rhythmically during orgasm. Thirty-five years ago, Kinsey stated that the anal region had erotic significance for about half of the population. In a survey of 100,000 Playboy readers, 47 percent of the men and 61 percent of the women admitted to having tried anal intercourse.

Yet the anal taboo inhibits most people from thinking, talking and learning about the sexual use of the anus. Listed here are the ten things most men and women still do not know about anal sex.