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Michael Hall - Life Coaching The Art Of Coaching The Game Of Life (28.0 Kb eBook)

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Michael Hall's Articles And Essay Collection. LIFE COACHING THE ART OF COACHING THE GAME OF LIFE by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. Pick a sporting game, any game. Tennis, golf, baseball, gymnastics, boxing, soccer, it doesn't matter what you pick. Now see people playing that game, having fun, developing their skills, learning about themselves and others, increasing confidence, winning, losing, refining skills, winning as a team, pulling together for each other, being coached. Good. Now with that movie in your mind, zoom in on that l... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Michael Hall
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Michael Hall's Articles And Essay Collection. LIFE COACHING THE ART OF COACHING THE GAME OF LIFE by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. Pick a sporting game, any game. Tennis, golf, baseball, gymnastics, boxing, soccer, it doesn't matter what you pick. Now see people playing that game, having fun, developing their skills, learning about themselves and others, increasing confidence, winning, losing, refining skills, winning as a team, pulling together for each other, being coached. Good. Now with that movie in your mind, zoom in on that last statement, "being coached." There you go. Now nudge it a little to the right. That's right. Now zoom in to frame just the coach and the team and as you do notice how the coaching can make all the difference in the world to the team's performance. Yet the coach isn't out there on the field, or on the court. The coach doesn't actually do anything when it comes to the actual performance of that game ... - L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.