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David Barron - Nlp Sleight Of Mouth Patterns (100.0 Kb eBook)

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The Slight of Mouth Patterns are extreamly pithy comments/questions that are designed to attack the heart of a belief. It is important to note that SoM can be used equally to reinforce an existing belief. The origin of Sleight of Mouth patterns comes from people whom it was observed never lost an arguement. Who they were able to do this was then sythisized and model into these simple and tremendously powerful patterns. These patterns are so powerful that a combination of three or four of them delivered in a row are enough t... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      David Barron
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
The Slight of Mouth Patterns are extreamly pithy comments/questions that are designed to attack the heart of a belief. It is important to note that SoM can be used equally to reinforce an existing belief. The origin of Sleight of Mouth patterns comes from people whom it was observed never lost an arguement. Who they were able to do this was then sythisized and model into these simple and tremendously powerful patterns. These patterns are so powerful that a combination of three or four of them delivered in a row are enough to alter what someone believes. They are also very invasive and one risks of induceing a hostile or threatened responce if use without the proper care. This is important especially when dealing in a theraputic setting.Note that SoM all "chunk up" to a higher level of awareness. It is also important to *ALWAYS* be cautious with these language patterns because they are very comfrontational and require a liberal use of "softeners"

About Author:

David Barron is a communication and persuasion expert trained in Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Social Influence.

Professionally David has worked since 1999 as clinical hypnotist with his company Changeworks Hypnosis with over 3000 hours of one-on-one work with clients. He has also worked as a corporate consultant and seminar trainer leading his own workshops on persuasion and self improvement.

David Barron is a certified master practitioner of NLP and Certified Hypnotherapist who studied with Kenrick Cleveland and Mark Cunningham. A member of the National Guild of Hypnotist, he has over 15 years of experience in the field of Hypnosis and NLP.

He has taught many courses and workshops in the field of persuasion and has been a guest speaker in communications related areas. Some highlights and recent notes: He is a consultant at InnVision to help the homeless gain the needed personal resources they need to transition into traditional housing. He recently appeared on BayTV on the topic of Road.

For over two years David consulted with InnVision as a group leader helping the homeless and disadvantaged find greater resources within themselves to feel more empowered.

He has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows including the BBC and has contributed to such magazines as ADVANCE and MAXIM magazine.

David Barrons consistent committed to creating useful and instructional products on persuasion and self improvement have resulted in currently over 20 different Hypnosis and Persuasion products. He is also co-author of the book "Power Persuasion - Applying Hypnotic Influence in Live, Love and Business".