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Evan Marc Katz - The Top Ten Mistakes That You Are Definitely Making In Online Dating (copyrighted book, review only)
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Online relationships tend to take longer than those take place offline. The reason should be clear: any e-mail says little more than you can find out in the time it takes for a waiter to open a bottle of wine. What you can learn in an hour offline could take you a week on the Web. Dating is never easy. Although online matchmaking cuts out the need for seedy bars and corny chat-up lines, it doesn't remove the cause of every difficulty found in every relationship: the people.We all make mistakes, and when we look back on our p... More >>>
Evan Marc Katz - "The Top Ten Mistakes That You Are Definitely Making In Online Dating" is copyrighted and can't be downloaded or ordered on DVD, you can try to find it at
Online relationships tend to take longer than those take place offline. The reason should be clear: any e-mail says little more than you can find out in the time it takes for a waiter to open a bottle of wine. What you can learn in an hour offline could take you a week on the Web.
Dating is never easy. Although online matchmaking cuts out the need for seedy bars and corny chat-up lines, it doesn't remove the cause of every difficulty found in every relationship: the people.
We all make mistakes, and when we look back on our past relationships, it's pretty clear that many of us make them all the time. To help reduce your error rate-and increase your chances of success-we've produced a list of the top eight dating mistakes made by online loveseekers.