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Pickup101 - 11 Deadly Mistakes That Can Destroy Your First Date (119.0 Kb eBook)

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I was talking with Lance (Sensei) the other day about common mistakes guys make when they meet a girl after the initial pickup, so I thought I would put together this list. You do not want to make these mistakes. After all, you spent a ton of money on your clothes. You practiced your rap. You had countless conversations that went nowhere. You missed out on sleep while out at the bars. And it was all worth it, because you got a date with an exciting woman. Make it count! In no particular order, here are some of the most commo... More >>>
Pickup101 - "11 Deadly Mistakes That Can Destroy Your First Date" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Dating Woman
Author:      Pickup101
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
I was talking with Lance (Sensei) the other day about common mistakes guys make when they meet a girl after the initial pickup, so I thought I would put together this list. You do not want to make these mistakes. After all, you spent a ton of money on your clothes. You practiced your rap. You had countless conversations that went nowhere. You missed out on sleep while out at the bars. And it was all worth it, because you got a date with an exciting woman. Make it count! In no particular order, here are some of the most common mistakes guys make on the day-2. (Nate

PickUp 101 Instructor)

About Author:

Pickup 101 was founded on the principle that every man deserves to have at least one attractive woman in his life. Thus Pickup 101 became the premier source for seminars, workshops, and coaching for men on how to meet and attract beautiful women. Hundreds of men from all over the world have taken our seminars and workshops or participated in our personalized coaching program. Our most popular workshop is called the Art of Attraction, because it teaches you exactly what you need to say and do, to get super hot women attracted to you within minutes of meeting them.