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Daniel Johnson - The Art Of Attraction Program Vol Iii Charismatic Conversation (10.5 MB eBook, $41.64 FREE)

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This is pdf WORKBOOK Vol III of Pickup 101 The Art Of Attraction Program. The Art of Attraction Coaching Program Our flagship core essentials course that will teach you everything you need to know to get exciting dates and fulfilling relationships. Are you finding it hard to get second dates (or perhaps even first ones)? Do you find yourself lost when it comes to connecting with women for love and romance and can't keep your relationships? Are you tired of being alone and lonely? Never before have men all over the world had... More >>>
Daniel Johnson - "The Art Of Attraction Program Vol Iii Charismatic Conversation" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Attraction
Author:      Daniel Johnson
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This is pdf WORKBOOK Vol III of Pickup 101 The Art Of Attraction Program.

The Art of Attraction Coaching Program Our flagship core essentials course that will teach you everything you need to know to get exciting dates and fulfilling relationships. Are you finding it hard to get second dates (or perhaps even first ones)? Do you find yourself lost when it comes to connecting with women for love and romance and can't keep your relationships? Are you tired of being alone and lonely? Never before have men all over the world had such trouble dating. In every city, particularly Vancouver, men are being hurt, rejected and frustrated by women because of your own inability and confusion at meeting women for dates. Isn't dating supposed to be easy? Apparently not, as men and women are more and more disconnected with each other today. Can you remember what happened on your last few dates? You were so hopeful that they would be awesome, that you'll meet someone who excites you and find love.

The Art of Attraction is a 3 month (12 weeks program) - your investment is $3500 CND and GST. It is typically run where the class meets once a week, usually in the afternoon, for the first several weeks before we schedule in-field outings at public venues, speed dating, social mixers, etc... There is also homework, discussions and group outings with your course during the week. When you join the course, be prepared for an experience, that you will bond with the guys in your course, and for anything to happen.

About Author:

Pickup 101 Senior Instructor

We've got our very own Daniel Johnson from Pickup 101 speaking. Daniel has traveled the world, meeting people from different countries and cultures, and redefining his comfort zone. While meeting new people, he was also developing an outgoing personality, and dating more women.

As an English teacher in South Korea, he developed his skills of non-verbal communication so much that he was soon dating the most beautiful women without even speaking their language. With each relationship, he came to a deeper understanding of women.

He studied techniques for personal transformation from teachers around the world, from monks in Thailand to shamans in Hawaii. And, when he returned to his home town of San Francisco, he began training with Pick Up 101. This took his skills with women to the next level. Now he's one of our senior instructors and his presentation is sure to blow you away!