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Martha Kelley - Gender Differences And Leadership (354.0 Kb eBook)

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Gender differences are evident before birth and throughout childhood. Studies characterize little girls as spending "a great deal of time talking to other children--and nearly as much talking to themselves! As for little boys, only 68 percent of their words were understandable words! The remaining 32 percent were either one syllable sounds like "uh" and "mmm" or sound effects like "Varooom" "Yaaaah!" and "Zooooom!." As one can imagine, these basic dissimilarities continue through growth and development posing real challenges... More >>>
Martha Kelley - "Gender Differences And Leadership" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Gender differences are evident before birth and throughout childhood. Studies characterize little girls as spending "a great deal of time talking to other children--and nearly as much talking to themselves! As for little boys, only 68 percent of their words were understandable words! The remaining 32 percent were either one syllable sounds like "uh" and "mmm" or sound effects like "Varooom" "Yaaaah!" and "Zooooom!." As one can imagine, these basic dissimilarities continue through growth and development posing real challenges in female/male dialogue. Determining how men and women in leadership positions differ and, thus, how to communicate, discuss issues, make formal presentations, and relate successfully within a male dominated environment