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Jeffrey Epstein - The Natural Pua Bible (216.0 Kb eBook, $24.78 FREE)

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This is NOT a guide FOR naturals learning seduction. This is a guide to help everyone else get the attitude that NATURALS already have. This bible is a collection of a select few of the most helpful posts taken from various sources (mASF, sosuave, Bristol lair, etc.) without becoming overly large. In one of these articles, Maddash says that PickUp is 75% character and 25% tactics. This bible is a basic compilation of the knowledge and mindset you need for that 75%. They are not theories that you can "add" to yourself, they a... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Pickup Masters
Author:      Jeffrey Epstein
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
This is NOT a guide FOR naturals learning seduction. This is a guide to help everyone else get the attitude that NATURALS already have. This bible is a collection of a select few of the most helpful posts taken from various sources (mASF, sosuave, Bristol lair, etc.) without becoming overly large. In one of these articles, Maddash says that PickUp is 75% character and 25% tactics. This bible is a basic compilation of the knowledge and mindset you need for that 75%. They are not theories that you can "add" to yourself, they are mindsets you need to adopt. It is FAR from comprehensive, but it is meant to be this way. Eventually, once you get the major part of the attitude down, everything else will fall into place, and the details will take care of themselves. I don't believe that saturating yourself with pickup information will help you. So I've kept the bible as short as possible, and left out things that weren't really necessary, even though they were helpful (such as TD's 25 point list).

To use this bible, I suggest reading one article, and then don't read anything else for a while, and go out and sarge a few times (using whatever method you prefer). Once you have internalized - not MEMORIZED, but actually think in the same wavelength as the article - go on to the next one. - Jeffrey Epstein