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Jeff Davidson - Alpha Books 10 Minute Guide To Managing Your Time (302.0 Kb eBook, $25.30 FREE)

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The 10 Minute Guide to Managing Your Time offers simple, practical help for busy people who need fast results. Through goal-oriented, 10-Minute lessons, you learn all the skills you need to effectively use your time! Welcome to the 10 Minute Guide to Time Management. This slim volume will provide you with the essence of what you need to effectively manage your time. You'll learn how to set goals and to identify priorities, differentiate between the urgent and the important, be better organized, handle mail and correspondence... More >>>
Jeff Davidson - "Alpha Books 10 Minute Guide To Managing Your Time" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Alpha Male
Author:      Jeff Davidson
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
The 10 Minute Guide to Managing Your Time offers simple, practical help for busy people who need fast results. Through goal-oriented, 10-Minute lessons, you learn all the skills you need to effectively use your time! Welcome to the 10 Minute Guide to Time Management. This slim volume will provide you with the essence of what you need to effectively manage your time. You'll learn how to set goals and to identify priorities, differentiate between the urgent and the important, be better organized, handle mail and correspondence, master basic technologies, keep interruptions to a minimum, and gain more time through effective delegation. You will also learn how to limit the effects of procrastination, say no with confidence, keep stress at acceptable levels, conduct more streamlined meetings, be more effective in using your time on the road, and, in general, keep your life in balance.

Here's what you won't encounter: long lists of things you have to do, complicated procedures, and steadfast rules that don't apply to the ever-changing situations that you face. Instead, you will learn simple but effective techniques for staying in control of your time. The common denominator to these techniques is that you can apply them to all the various situations in which you find yourself. The 10 Minute Guide series is structured so that you can complete each lesson in about 10 minutes. Hence, the whole program would take no more than three hours if you proceeded from Lesson 1 straight through to Lesson 14. A better approach might be to tackle one lesson per day. So in less than three weeks, you can learn and apply everything in this guide.