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Michael Hall - Back Tracking (142.0 Kb eBook, $24.26 FREE)

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Michael Hall's Articles Collection. The Mind BackTracking Pattern. With this pattern, we begin with the statement and continue to use this as the driving force: "And, behind that thought whirling in your mind lies another thought.... So as you allow yourself to notice what thought do you find back there?" Using this directional question that swish the mind backwards offers a profound and simple way to take a client back to the Void of nothingness and then on to various resources.
Michael Hall - "Back Tracking" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Publisher: PUA Media Library
Michael Hall Format: eBook
Delivery: Download
Michael Hall's Articles Collection. The Mind BackTracking Pattern. With this pattern, we begin with the statement and continue to use this as the driving force: "And, behind that thought whirling in your mind lies another thought.... So as you allow yourself to notice what thought do you find back there?" Using this directional question that swish the mind backwards offers a profound and simple way to take a client back to the Void of nothingness and then on to various resources.