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Lee Jenkins - Female Orgasm Black Book Best Sex Positions (627.0 Kb eBook, $26.76 FREE)

Cover of Lee Jenkins's Book Female Orgasm Black Book Best Sex Positions
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There was a lot of work that went into putting this document together. I can't tell you how many countless hours are spent putting together this manual. That means that this information has value, and your friends, neighbors, and co-workers may want to share it.The man on top (missionary) position is a good position because during all of the thrusting and grinding, you should be putting some ideal pressure on her mons pubis. This position is also great for hitting the A-spot, especially if you lift her legs up or place a pil... More >>>
Lee Jenkins - "Female Orgasm Black Book Best Sex Positions" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Sex
Author:      Lee Jenkins
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
There was a lot of work that went into putting this document together. I can't tell you how many countless hours are spent putting together this manual. That means that this information has value, and your friends, neighbors, and co-workers may want to share it.

The man on top (missionary) position is a good position because during all of the thrusting and grinding, you should be putting some ideal pressure on her mons pubis. This position is also great for hitting the A-spot, especially if you lift her legs up or place a pillow underneath her ass.

There's 3 "upgrades" you can do on the missionary position. The first 2 enhances the penetration angle of your penis, so that you can more effectively stimulate the G-spot during sex. The third variation angles your body allowing you to stimulate her clitoris during sex.