Christian Godefroy - How To Improve Your Self Image (225.0 Kb eBook, $24.84 FREE)

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How many times have you heard the word personality in the last month? Probably a dozen times, if not more. We say someone has a strong personality, or a likable personality, or that someone is dull, etc. We sometimes even say that someone doesn't have a personality at all. But what is personality? Personality is a mosaic of characteristics whose continual interplay conditions the various ways in which we behave. Therefore, our personality encompasses all our qualities and all our faults, and it is because of personality that... More >>>
Christian Godefroy - "How To Improve Your Self Image" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
How many times have you heard the word personality in the last month? Probably a dozen times, if not more. We say someone has a strong personality, or a likable personality, or that someone is dull, etc. We sometimes even say that someone doesn't have a personality at all. But what is personality? Personality is a mosaic of characteristics whose continual interplay conditions the various ways in which we behave. Therefore, our personality encompasses all our qualities and all our faults, and it is because of personality that each human being on the face of the earth is unique.
How is personality acquired? This is a question which philosophers and men of science have been pondering for centuries. Modern thinking generally maintains that personality is the result of certain hereditary factors, upon which are grafted the exterior influences which we experience, especially during the formative years. However, whatever hereditary, cultural or educational baggage you may be carrying around, you should know that you can change your personality, improve it, reinforce it, or round off any rough edges you may have.
About Author:
Christian H. Godefroy (born October 25, 1948) is a French author of books about self-improvement and positive thinking. His books include Mind Dynamics. He started a publishing company which has published more than 100 books. He also founded CORESPRIT, an annual gathering of self-improvement motivators, with thousands of visitors.
Christian H. Godefroy was born on October 25, 1948. His father, from Paris, was in the mechanical field. From him, Christian learned that everything can be repaired, that every problem has a solution. His mother also provided him with fantastic learning tools: reading is a marvelous way to learn and dream, and writing a tremendous way to explore your feelings - in fact, the only way permitted in his family.
His father considered criticism to be the ultimate form of cleverness, while his mother was very anxious. At school,
Christian's performance was considered very poor -- but he was the best in mathematics and French (his native language).
Being very shy and unhappy, but nonetheless sure that life had shortcuts to happiness, prosperity and freedom, Christian was fortunate to discover self-improvement very early in his life.
Leaving university to work in network marketing, he founded his own company -- a discount card -- which failed, and he wasted all his money.
He married, and fathered a son, Cyril, but the marriage ended 4 years later. He founded a training company with two friends. He taught public speaking, self-improvement and mind dynamics to more than 6,000 attendees. He took a keen interest in attending many seminars.
During this period, he wrote "Mind Dynamics", his first book, which sold 150,000 copies.
He then started a publishing company, and this is still active today and has published more than a hundred books. He initiated CORESPRIT, an annual meeting of all self-improvement leaders, with thousand of visitors.
After selling his very successful publishing company, he returned to writing. At this time, he also started this web site: "Positive-Club".
He is the author of many books, including "Mind Dynamics", "Time Management System", "How to Write Letters That Sell", "Help Yourself Through Self-Hypnosis", "How to Get an Amazing Memory", "The Complete, Self -Affirming Powerful Quotation Encyclopaedia". Most of his books have been translated into other languages, e.g. Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, German and Japanese. He has written many articles, worked with researchers, and travelled all over the world. You will find most of his books at Abebooks and at Joe Vitale's opinion
Today he lives with his wife, Emilia, and their two youngest children, Jessica, 14 years old, and Alexander, 9 years old. He writes and develops his rapidly growing web site day by day, in addition to caring, and providing, for his family. His interests include reading, computing, wind surfing, and "anything that can challenge the mind".