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Thegurudev - Seduction Language Patterns (603.0 Kb eBook, $26.66 FREE)

Cover of Thegurudev's Book Seduction Language Patterns
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Seduction patterns first gained popularity back in the early 1990's through the marketing of Ross Jeffries and his "Speed Seduction" study courses. While giving men that had nothing to say a boost with his scripted patterns, many of them were just plain silly. I feel badly for the men that actually went out and recited these to women, trying to nonchalantly implant subliminal suggestions like "below me" or "happenis".The real value of this mishmash was to make more people aware of the potential power of language patterns, so... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Thegurudev
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Seduction patterns first gained popularity back in the early 1990's through the marketing of Ross Jeffries and his "Speed Seduction" study courses. While giving men that had nothing to say a boost with his scripted patterns, many of them were just plain silly. I feel badly for the men that actually went out and recited these to women, trying to nonchalantly implant subliminal suggestions like "below me" or "happenis".

The real value of this mishmash was to make more people aware of the potential power of language patterns, sort of like an open-source software project - these early bad examples set the foundation for others to improve and innovate their own style of seduction patterns.

The epitome of seduction technology has to be the "October Man Sequence" that was mentioned in "The Game", author Neil Strauss' book about the pick-up artist underground. This is a sequence of patterns, intended to bring a woman completely under your control by the time you are done reciting them. After much research I discovered that this sequence does in fact exist - and with help from a hypnotist friend was able to reverse-engineer it to prove that it actually worked.

As with other patterns this sequence cannot be performed without the usual preliminaries - and those preliminaries include, much to the dismay of many pattern addicts, things such as bathing, grooming, introducing yourself to a woman, etc. If you are looking for a "magic pill" you will not find it with patterns. If, however, you are capable of building a mild amount of attraction on your own merit, patterns like "October Man" can put you over the top and will enable you to mentally enslave the woman of your dreams.