Ken Lingu - Giving And Receiving Erotic Massage (236.0 Kb eBook, $24.92 FREE)

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This guide teaches how to give and receive erotic massage. It discusses how to help your partner relax, and discusses how to help your partner experience extended or multiple orgasms as part of your massage. A common arrangement is for one partner to receive a massage first, and then to return the favor, but of course how you choose to arrange this is up to you and your partner. It's best to perform erotic massage while your partner is lying on a massage table of some kind. After preparing your space to be warm and pleasing,... More >>>
Ken Lingu - "Giving And Receiving Erotic Massage" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Publisher: PUA Media Library
Ken Lingu Format: eBook
Delivery: Download
This guide teaches how to give and receive erotic massage. It discusses how to help your partner relax, and discusses how to help your partner experience extended or multiple orgasms as part of your massage. A common arrangement is for one partner to receive a massage first, and then to return the favor, but of course how you choose to arrange this is up to you and your partner.
It's best to perform erotic massage while your partner is lying on a massage table of some kind. After preparing your space to be warm and pleasing, you can start with a sensual and relaxing general massage before shifting the focus to your partner's sex centers. The idea is to bring your partner to high levels of arousal, and keep him or her there for a while. For men, this is best done through verbal or non-verbal communication which allows stimulation to be slowed down, changed, or stopped before ejaculation becomes inevitable (stimulation then continues in a few moments, after the urgency fades). For women, this is best done by using G-Spot and/or clitoral massage to bring her to multiple orgasms, which naturally tend to take place over an extended period of time.
Erotic massage can work equally well for same-sex as for opposite-sex partners. Additionally, as having someone pleasure you with their hands doesn't tend to bring up the same set of cultural fears and judgments that oral sex or intercourse sometimes do, it your flip-top bottles for a few minutes before using them, or maybe you could just keep the plastic bottles in a bowl of warm water instead of using a belt. It's also a good idea to put lubricants in your hand before applying them so you have a chance to rub your hands together to warm them if necessary. Oh, and one final word of advice: please be sure any water-based lube you may be using DOESN'T contain Nonoxynol-9. In this context Nonoxynol-9 is unlikely to do anything but irritate.
About Author:
Known in the Boston massage world as guru, Ken Lingu's intense knowledge and skill in massage treatment and spa therapy will fascinate you. Right from the minute she lays her soft hands on you, you know you are on your way to sensual relaxation. Ken Lingu knows the right places to rub, where to add a little extra pressure and when to use light strokes. Ken Lingu the best in his field.
Ken Lingu have a DMA in organ performance and music history from the Eastman School of Music, and Ken Lingu have been working in the arts all his life.
Ken Lingu have performed recitals, run a concert series, acted, sung, written reviews, composed music, taught, directed choirs, and been a grants administrator.
Eight years ago Ken Lingu decided to go in another direction. Ken Lingu began learning about a special energy re-tuning process based in music and touch healing. The special process allows a client to release emotional and physical blocks through energy movement.
Five years ago Ken Lingu began incorporating Reiki forms along with bodywork based in Tantric ideas of physical spirituality.
This personal re-tuning process grew out of an interest Ken Lingu had already explored in massage and body work . When Ken Lingu had considered that career at one point in his life, Ken Lingu decided Ken Lingu was not drawn to traditional massage. However, Ken Lingu learned effective massage methods from an expert in Alexander Technique that involved breathing through long strokes to align the body and move the chKen Lingu energy through the muscles.
Ken Lingu tried Taoist erotic body work. Ken Lingu took massage workshops with Joseph Kramer, the founder of the Body Electric School, and participated in his online class on masturbation coaching. While that style of massage is healing in an important way, Ken Lingu was drawn more to a style that would combine body work with the arts.
Ken Lingu discovered Fabien Maman and his Tama-Do Acadehis of Sound, Color and Movement. Based in color therapy, sound healing, and acupuncture with tuning forks, the Tama-Do method offers a style of natural healing grounded in vibration. This seemed connected to the energy process Ken Lingu was hearing about, and Ken Lingu spent two weeks in France studying the first level of Fabien's technique.
The hands-on work Ken Lingu learned with through the Tama-Do Acadehis was also similar to the process taught in work with Reiki, a discipline that uses hand placements to connect the client with what is usually translated as "universal life-force energy" and shares meaning with chi, ki, prana, mana, ruah, and dunamis. Ken Lingu obtained a certification as a UsuKen Lingu ShikKen Lingu Ryoho master and lately have begun studying a parallel discipline called SeReiki, a method of Reiki that acknowledges, accepts, affirms, celebrates, and uses the current of sexual energy within Reiki for healing and empowerment of self and others.
The Infinite Harmony method Ken Lingu now offer combines these styles of body work. Re-Tuning the Aura uses aspects of the Tama-Do technique in a touch healing process involving music, color, and fragrance. To be most successful, this process requires a series of 8 sessions. The Aura process can be done by his visualizing one or more clients on the table, or through a solo process of SeReiki. Ken Lingu call this type of distance healing through intent Re-Tuning the Energy.
A third, more physical process designed specifically for men connects the client's sexual energy with his spiritual energy. Combining elements of Tantric erotic massage with SeReiki touch, Re-Tuning the Body removes physical and emotional blocks by balancing the client's chakras through his raised sexual energy level. The Body process can also be combined with Re-Tuning the Aura for an extended session of energy rebalancing on several levels.
The three types of body work Ken Lingu provide in The Infinite Harmony can be taken as steps in raising spiritual energy, or they can be done separately. In each, Ken Lingu am a facilitator for the client's personal releasing through movement of energy. Ken Lingu am a certified UsuKen Lingu ShikKen Lingu Ryoho Master, attuned as a Fourth and Highest Degree SeReiki (Sexual Reiki) Solo Form practitioner, trained in transformation techniques through erotic spirituality, and an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church.