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Michael Lee - How To Be A Red Hot Persuasion Wizard (390.0 Kb eBook, $25.74 FREE)

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Hi! First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Michael Lee, a Certified Public Accountant. Maybe you are wondering what a CPA is doing in the field of persuasion. Accountants need to persuade their clients about the accuracy and reliability of financial data to make sound financial decisions. Well, enough about accounting. Everyone needs effective persuasion skills. It's not only for salespeople. It's also for the lover who can't seem to get his dream girl or dream boy. It's for the frustrated individual who wants to attain... More >>>
Michael Lee - "How To Be A Red Hot Persuasion Wizard" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Michael Lee
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Hi! First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Michael Lee, a Certified Public Accountant. Maybe you are wondering what a CPA is doing in the field of persuasion. Accountants need to persuade their clients about the accuracy and reliability of financial data to make sound financial decisions. Well, enough about accounting. Everyone needs effective persuasion skills. It's not only for salespeople. It's also for the lover who can't seem to get his dream girl or dream boy. It's for the frustrated individual who wants to attain complete liberty from the dictatorial treatment of parents, wife, husband, or friends. It's for the loner who wants to have lots of friends. Let me tell you about my obsession. It's self-improvement. Any person can achieve anything he desires as long as he has the proper mindset and attitude. Even the most intelligent or richest person can never attain greatness without having the right positive beliefs and outlook in life. I've read lots of books and articles about motivation, positive thinking, and self-help. The subject matter that captured my attention the most is persuasion.

I read lots of self-help books and asked help from my closest friends. I know that many other people are suffering the same condition as I am, so I want to help them too. I've been in their shoes before and have gained lots of knowledge and experience. Since persuasion is my passion, I decided to write this e-book which I believe will be extremely beneficial to anyone who wants to take control of his life and who wants to convince others to his way of thinking. This e-book will give you thorough insights on how to become a red hot persuasion wizard. Are you ready to change your life? Sit back, relax, and enjoy your journey to persuasion success! Best Regards Michael Lee, CPA