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Dr Robert Lind - It Is Your Choice Decision Making And Goal Setting (216.0 Kb eBook, $24.78 FREE)

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It's Your Choice: Decision Making and Goal Setting by Dr. Robert W. Lind, former Extension Human Development Specialist. Real-life problems, be they personal or business, are often easier to solve if you have a good understanding of your goals and values in life. This publication will help you outline your goals and learn to make choices that best fit these goals. - Dr Robert Lind
Dr Robert Lind - "It Is Your Choice Decision Making And Goal Setting" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Goal Setting
Author:      Dr Lind
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
It's Your Choice: Decision Making and Goal Setting by Dr. Robert W. Lind, former Extension Human Development Specialist. Real-life problems, be they personal or business, are often easier to solve if you have a good understanding of your goals and values in life. This publication will help you outline your goals and learn to make choices that best fit these goals. - Dr Robert Lind