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Phil Anderson - Creating An Attractive Identity (1009.0 Kb eBook)

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theApproach is Vincent DiCarlo and Sebastian Dimitri Drake. Talk about masters. I've actually had the opportunity to spend some time learning from these guys in person. The things I have seen are unreal. Their methods of teaching are phenomenal, and their system is polished to a very high level of sophistication. They've spent years perfecting this discipline as both an art and science, and they've been teaching guys professionally for quite some time now.I will try and pass on some of their basic introductory topics to you ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Attraction
Author:      Phil Anderson
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
theApproach is Vincent DiCarlo and Sebastian Dimitri Drake. Talk about masters. I've actually had the opportunity to spend some time learning from these guys in person. The things I have seen are unreal. Their methods of teaching are phenomenal, and their system is polished to a very high level of sophistication. They've spent years perfecting this discipline as both an art and science, and they've been teaching guys professionally for quite some time now.

I will try and pass on some of their basic introductory topics to you right now. This book is not only meant to be an introduction to their concepts and techniques, but also as a prepatory guide for prospective students, so that they can maximize the learnings and improvements made on an actual live program.

Vincent and Sebastian have written hundreds of articles on the topic of dating and seduction, and have given informal lectures in various cities around the world.

Vincent is known in particular for systematizing and breaking down 'Natural Game' and being able to transfer those qualities possessed by guys who are naturally good with women to his students. He was also the first to break down and outline the exact process of how to develop spontaneity from scratch.

He has just finished working out various intention maps which lay out all of the key moments that shape and define the future development of a given sexual relationship, and is currently teaching these exclusively at live theApproach programs.

Table of Contents

I theApproach: An Introduction By Dan Rose

1 Company Overview

2 What We Can Do For You

3 Our Programs

3.1 theApproach StandardTM Official Workshop

3.2 theApproach StreetGameTM Official Workshop

3.3 theApproach BootcampTM Intensive Workshop

3.4 theApproach Phone Coaching

3.5 theApproach Personal Coaching

3.6 Ebooks, Audio Programs and DVDs

II Creating An Attractive Identity

4 Getting Started

4.1 Five Things For Success In Life

5 Becoming More Attractive

5.1 What Is Atractive?

5.2 How Do People Know If Something Is Attractive?

5.3 Beliefs And Filters

5.4 Some Practical Advice

6 Body Language

7 Attitudes

8 Commanding Presence

9 Vocal Tonality

10 Image and Stereotypes

11 The Next Step