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Nick Andrews - Everyday Christian Males Guide To Modern Dating (811.0 Kb eBook, $27.40 FREE)

Cover of Nick Andrews's Book Everyday Christian Males Guide To Modern Dating
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The only Christian Dating Guide! Dating in today's world can be very intimidating. It can be very hard to find that special person. From where to find the right woman, to how to approach her, start a conversation, ask for a phone number, and possibly setup a date. Now you don't have to go through this process alone. Along with God's strength and wisdom, let this book be your guide as it walk's you through each step of the dating process. - Date According to God's plan - Learn the hidden signals women use - Increase your conf... More >>>
Nick Andrews - "Everyday Christian Males Guide To Modern Dating" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Dating Woman
Author:      Nick Andrews
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
The only Christian Dating Guide! Dating in today's world can be very intimidating. It can be very hard to find that special person. From where to find the right woman, to how to approach her, start a conversation, ask for a phone number, and possibly setup a date. Now you don't have to go through this process alone. Along with God's strength and wisdom, let this book be your guide as it walk's you through each step of the dating process. - Date According to God's plan - Learn the hidden signals women use - Increase your confidence - Instantly create rapport within minutes of meeting someone for the first time - Find your soulmate