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Michael Hall - Secrecy Dragons (127.0 Kb eBook)

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Michael Hall's Articles And Essay Collection. Secrecy Dragons. Hall of FramesFrames of Secrecy vs. Openness by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. In the field of Family Systems there is a little aphorism that summarizes one of the main themes in working with families to promote health, healing, sanity, and love. It's a great line and I still use it often even though I do not formally do family or marriage counseling these days. In fact, recently Bob and I have talked about this phrase and commented about how powerful and magical it is. ... More >>>
Michael Hall - "Secrecy Dragons" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Publisher: PUA Media Library
Michael Hall Format: eBook
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Michael Hall's Articles And Essay Collection. Secrecy Dragons. Hall of Frames
Frames of Secrecy vs. Openness by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. In the field of Family Systems there is a little aphorism that summarizes one of the main themes in working with families to promote health, healing, sanity, and love. It's a great line and I still use it often even though I do not formally do family or marriage counseling these days. In fact, recently Bob and I have talked about this phrase and commented about how powerful and magical it is. What's the line? It is this.