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Cameron Teone - The Ones Pickup Guide (1.7 MB eBook, $29.94 FREE)

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The One's Pickup Guide for men to learn how to become irresistible seducers and improve their relationships with women. This guide is the result of 2 years of my research into the best methods to have more power and choice with the opposite sex. In a nutshell, I put this guide together to help other men do better with women. I think that ultimately what every man wants is to meet that ONE special woman. Unfortunately, you may have to meet dozens, if not hundreds, of women before you'll find "the one". And if you don't have t... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Pickup Masters
Author:      Cameron Teone
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
The One's Pickup Guide for men to learn how to become irresistible seducers and improve their relationships with women. This guide is the result of 2 years of my research into the best methods to have more power and choice with the opposite sex. In a nutshell, I put this guide together to help other men do better with women. I think that ultimately what every man wants is to meet that ONE special woman. Unfortunately, you may have to meet dozens, if not hundreds, of women before you'll find "the one". And if you don't have the knowledge and experience to deal properly with women in the first place, odds are you'll blow it when you finally meet that special woman. I've seen it...firsthand.

When the woman of your dreams DOES come around, you're going to have to say and do everything right. Truly spectacular women are few and far between, so you'd better be ready. This guide is designed to give you a comprehensive, user-friendly system in order to be ready when that time comes. What you'll find different about my guide is that I don't just lay out broad principles and expect people to be able to apply them. It's not enough to just tell a guy to "Say something to her to show that her testing doesn't affect you". He needs to see examples of WHAT to say to communicate that it doesn't affect him. Not only do I provide the "what" to do and say in many situations, but I also often provide some ideas of what to do and say if the situation continues further. Another thing that's lacking in most systems is a STRUCTURE. I've integrated these techniques into a structure to successfully pick up or seduce a woman. This structure is based on the one espoused by the instructors at Real Social Dynamics, and can be seen described in a video of Papa available on Kazaa and on the WinMX network.The whole idea of this structure is that regardless of the interaction with a woman, whether it's a 2-minute street pickup or a 2-hour date, there are several phases that you go through for a successful pick-up/seduction: ATTITUDE, FIND/OPEN, ATTRACT, QUALIFY, RAPPORT, AMPLIFY, CLOSE, and I am detailed described it in The One's Pickup Guide.

You don't HAVE to necessarily go through all of these phases to have success with a woman, and you don't have to follow the same order, but ideally you should. Obviously you're going to have to find and open a woman, and some attraction/chemistry will be necessary. You'll also have to close her at some point (unless you're just out to practice your game). The other phases are less important, but still have some bearing. In any case an important principle is to do the least amount necessary to get to the next phase. The purpose and execution of each of these phases will be much clearer as you read on. Good luck in your study and application in the field! - Cameron "The One" Teone

About Author:

Cameron "Iron Man" or "The One" Teone earned his Iron Man nickname from us by meeting a gorgeous professional model while he was dressed like the Big Lebowski after a visit to the gym. (it takes balls of iron for most guys to even talk to such women) He's our "go to" guy and is perhaps best known for helping men in dropping their ineffective routines, and throwing away their canned and cheesy pickup lines and destroying their limiting beliefs. One of his biggest contributions to the pickup & seduction community is the introduction of "Attribute Based Training", a process designed to help trasform guys into men who attract women naturally.

Cameron will delve into a very advanced area of dating that he's never discussed before! He's going to discuss why so many men fail in their quest to improve their dating lives, deliver a thorough understanding of male/female archetypes, and teach how you too can apply it to achieve success in attracting women.

Passionate and fierce, Cameron is who we call on when we need to inspire a revolution. He will teach you how to best utilize your own passions and personality to attract women without the help of silly fuzzy hats or wearing makeup. He may be crude, and he may be tactless, but he will instill upon you the knowledge on how to discern the type of woman you want and how to go about getting her!

Cameron Teone is one of the world's premiere dating coaches in teaching natural game. He is known for his laid-back, accessible approach and unique methods dedicated to self-development. His specialty, however, is helping men drop routines and throw away their canned and cheesy pickup lines--all while destroying their limiting beliefs and helping develop attributes that will attract women naturally. Find out in this audio session what it means to be a man of high quality by defining and living up to your own standard of character. If you have tried and been frustrated by pre-packaged seduction routines and tactics in the past this discussion will empower you like never before.

Passionate, audacious, and satirical, this man applies what he calls the "JKD Approach" to dating. Having studied every possible method of "pickup", he's isolated the practical pieces of all while discarding the least applicable concepts.

Cameron was one of the few steady personalities through the entire Project Hollywood experiment. He came over to the house often, and was also a co-instructor on numerous RSD & Mystery Method workshops.

Unlike a lot of pro-PUAs Cameron both is GOOD and WANTS to help guys get good with women. He's been vetted. All of the really really good PUAs have seen him and worked with him. He's in that top tier of guys who can get results in any environment, under any circumstance.

In my opinion, a pick-up artist can be defined as a guy who CAN reverse an interaction which is not going well. He can sense that the girl is put-off for some reason, and can calibrate to that, adjusting his technique to match the girls energy. This is very very hard to do, and takes an extraordinary amount of experience.

Most coaches these days are able to approach women. BUT, they cannot reverse that negatively flowing interaction. They do not understand the "art" of the pick-up.

Why do you think most newer PUAs these days are good-looking? That's because they get results based upon their looks, and not their skill.

Be very very careful of working with one of the newer companies that exist these days. Most are not vetted. Most are not teaching real, effective skill.

Cameron IS. I know it, because I've seen it. Sure, he's a good looking guy and that helps. But, more importantly, he is able to reverse a conversation that is not going well. He is able to calibrate and redirect the flow of the interaction should it suddenly devolve or change course.

This is not easy to do, and there are very very few of us who can do it. Cameron is one of that small-set of individuals.

Cameron offers training and coaching via his company, Attract Women Anywhere.