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Damian Savieri - Legendary Lover 1 Becoming A Legendary Lover (164.0 Kb eBook, $24.42 FREE)

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Damian Savieri is a dating and attraction expert, with over 8 years of coaching experience. He is one of the online coaches that started teaching men attraction in the early to early 2000s. Damian Savieri now runs his own coaching business where he offers personalized, one-on-one coaching to students.
Damian Savieri - "Legendary Lover 1 Becoming A Legendary Lover" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Sex
Author:      Damian Savieri
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
You must always practice safe sex. Besides AIDS, there is chlamydia, genital warts, gonorrhea, herpes, and unwanted pregnancy. If you're not practicing safe sex, please read other books or check the Internet for more information before proceeding with the techniques in this book. Taking care of your health is your responsibility. This book is for informational purposes only. You assume full responsibility for your actions when using the information in this book. Legendary Lover will not be held responsible in any way resulting from your actions. By reading this book you are agreeing to be bound by this agreement. If you do not accept this agreement, do not need read this book and return it for a full refund. Otherwise, please continue. - Damian Savieri

Damian Savieri is a dating and attraction expert, with over 8 years of coaching experience. He is one of the online coaches that started teaching men attraction in the early to early 2000s. Damian Savieri now runs his own coaching business where he offers personalized, one-on-one coaching to students.