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Estus Romeo - Weapons Of Mass Seduction (2.9 MB eBook, $32.42 FREE)

Cover of Estus Romeo's Book Weapons Of Mass Seduction
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Woah, hold on a second. Weapons?? WTF? Isn't seduction supposed to be a process of love and affection? HAH! Whatever you say, Romeo. Take off those rosy sunglasses and you will see that, for the majority of us, the natural process of seduction has become a battlefield of the mind. Seriously, take a good look around you and witness a new generation of introverted cowards who shyt their pants at the mere thought of approaching an attractive woman. Watching some of these guys in action, you'd swear that they were facing heavy e... More >>>
Estus Romeo - "Weapons Of Mass Seduction" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Art Of Seduction
Author:      Estus Romeo
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Woah, hold on a second. Weapons?? WTF? Isn't seduction supposed to be a process of love and affection? HAH! Whatever you say, Romeo. Take off those rosy sunglasses and you will see that, for the majority of us, the natural process of seduction has become a battlefield of the mind. Seriously, take a good look around you and witness a new generation of introverted cowards who shyt their pants at the mere thought of approaching an attractive woman. Watching some of these guys in action, you'd swear that they were facing heavy enemy fire while running across a field of landmines, rather than talking to a soft, harmless girl!

Yes my people, Generation Chump is in full effect! If you doubt my words really think about the guys you know. My acquaintances tally up to about 1 Real Man out of 10 frustrated boys. That's 10%, yall! Make no mistake, in this age of intellectual castration it is war that we wage! Not against females, but against the social programming that stifles our true nature and sexuality.

About Author:

Estus Romeo is Instructor of Pickup Interactions is USA Pick Up Artist and Seduction Trainer.

Estus Romeo joined the Game at the age of 23, after reading Ross Jeffries newsletters and Mystery Method.

Estus Romeo started practicing pick up and after many years of fails and success finally gained the reputation as a top seducer of New York, then Europe and now one the the best in the world. But still being very undercover, selective of his clients and not revealing much of his world.

Estus Romeo is now ready to go more global and also his share his newer technology with us now.

Now being 33 years old Estus Romeo has been is a Game for 9 years, and 5 of them he has worked as a pick up trainer.

Also training famous PUA's and celebrities.

Currently based in New York Estus Romeo is full time pick up trainer teaching on Workshops globally. Even the small countries. (Feel free to mention to us if you have enough people in your town ready for one).

In his long training experience Estus Romeo has developed numerous of effective pick up technique and routines BUT is now a self taught natural, believing that first of all you must learn to be a pua/mpua 80% and mix 20% of your natural self with it. Through time practicing your Pick Up Skills you then become more natural with women and start to lessen the PICK Up skills you use and start to use more natural skills until you get to the reverse where you are now using 20% Pick Up skills and 80% yourself, which combined will make you as he says "Super Natural".

Estus Romeo is fully trained in all modes of pick up from 14 years of trying everything he could. Here are just a few, dance floor game, fashion training, NLP (Neo Linguistic, programming), Natural game, day game, bar game, VIP club game, Celeb game, 3sums, 4sums, orgy creation game, CBT, astral projection, sexual mastery, inner game, outer game, state control, vibing, deep rapport, direct/indirect and many more.

As Estus Romeo has had time to practice and master all these things over his whole adulthood, living and breathing seduction. He has also honed his training skills over this time to teach you them in the most effective, concise way possible.