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John Hughes - Stress Dying For No Cause (414.0 Kb eBook, $25.86 FREE)

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The book was written in simple terms which helped me to understand my own problem. I tried some breathing exercises from the book and they worked well for me, and I still use them today. There is one in particular called 'single nostril breathing' which seemed to help a lot and I used it whenever I felt my hands and arms becoming cold(always a sign for me). After using it the feeling of panic that would usually grow until it was uncontrollable would just vanish - not every time but most of the time. Sometimes I would just ge... More >>>
John Hughes - "Stress Dying For No Cause" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
Publisher: PUA Media Library
John Hughes Format: eBook
Delivery: Download
The book was written in simple terms which helped me to understand my own problem. I tried some breathing exercises from the book and they worked well for me, and I still use them today. There is one in particular called 'single nostril breathing' which seemed to help a lot and I used it whenever I felt my hands and arms becoming cold(always a sign for me). After using it the feeling of panic that would usually grow until it was uncontrollable would just vanish - not every time but most of the time. Sometimes I would just get a full blown attack of course