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Michael Hall - The Uniqueness Of Ns Coaching (37.0 Kb eBook)

Cover of Michael Hall's Book The Uniqueness Of Ns Coaching
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THE UNIQUENESS OF NEURO-SEMANTIC COACHING What's New, Unique, or Special about Neuro-Semantic Coaching? L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. Neuro-Semantic Coaching is different. When a Neuro-Semanticist coaches you, you won't get the same kind of things that you might get from many other Coaching Institutions. As Neuro-Semantic Coaching skills, models and understandings come from a different place, so it leads to a different place. It starts with NLP skills and models and yet it goes further as it rises up to invite and facilitate new le... More >>>
Michael Hall - "The Uniqueness Of Ns Coaching" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   NLP
Author:      Michael Hall
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
THE UNIQUENESS OF NEURO-SEMANTIC COACHING What's New, Unique, or Special about Neuro-Semantic Coaching? L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. Neuro-Semantic Coaching is different. When a Neuro-Semanticist coaches you, you won't get the same kind of things that you might get from many other Coaching Institutions. As Neuro-Semantic Coaching skills, models and understandings come from a different place, so it leads to a different place. It starts with NLP skills and models and yet it goes further as it rises up to invite and facilitate new levels of mastery.