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Herb Dewey - Red Hot Cold Reading (153.0 Kb eBook, $24.34 FREE)

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Every now and then a publication comes along which fills a void that has existed in the subject-matter field. In many cases, this is because there are so few really knowledgeable persons in that field, and those who have the knowledge are often reluctant to part with the treasured knowledge that has been accumulated over a long period of trials, errors, and even embarrassments, but which have made them experts. This book fills just such a void. This book is about "reading' - primarily "cold" readings.In a way, I am somewhat ... More >>>
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Cold Reading
Author:      Herb Dewey
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Every now and then a publication comes along which fills a void that has existed in the subject-matter field. In many cases, this is because there are so few really knowledgeable persons in that field, and those who have the knowledge are often reluctant to part with the treasured knowledge that has been accumulated over a long period of trials, errors, and even embarrassments, but which have made them experts. This book fills just such a void. This book is about "reading' - primarily "cold" readings.

In a way, I am somewhat sorry that this publication is being released as, over the many years that I have been performed, read and counseled. I have always been rather jealous of the knowledge that I have accumulated and have felt that the best way to learn this trade was by hard experience, in the same way that I learned the magic profession. But we have come to realize that if there are better, faster, and easier ways, they ought to be made available to those who are interested and willing to learn, so that they can do a more effective job for their clients. This book provides that better, faster and easier way. I trust that the reader will pander each point thoughtfully arid carefully, for there is almost as much implied between the lines as is written out for you.

Life is not always gravy arid roses, and the professional reader will find that he has become a confidant and a problem solver There will be occasions, particularly in private readings, when the client's errors or the unsolvable problem must be faced. Such unfortunate instances will require all the skill, ingenuity, counseling psychology and positive support the reader can muster with understanding and compassion, the caring reader can lighten the burdens and enrich the lives of his clients and, as a result look back on his accomplishments with pride and satisfaction. This book combines contributions and understandings from psychology with practical, new material. Proven techniques with presentation ideas, and the use of intuition with tips for counseling. It represents a major contribution to the field. - Orville Meyer