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Andrew Levine - The Bodywork And Massage Source Book (1.5 MB eBook, $29.34 FREE)

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Human touch has the power to heal. Bodywork and massage provide theoretical frameworks, guiding principles, and specific techniques that harness the power of touch to enhance your physical and mental health. The purpose of this book is to provide you with information on a variety of massage and bodywork modalities so that you can make informed choices. This book is coauthored by a licensed massage therapist (Andrew Levine) and a licensed psychologist (Valerie Levine) who are also husband and wife. We would like to begin by s... More >>>
Andrew Levine - "The Bodywork And Massage Source Book" is electronically distributed. You can download it or order on DVD.
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Publisher:  PUA Media Library
Category:   Massage
Author:      Andrew Levine
Format:      eBook
Delivery:    Download
Human touch has the power to heal. Bodywork and massage provide theoretical frameworks, guiding principles, and specific techniques that harness the power of touch to enhance your physical and mental health. The purpose of this book is to provide you with information on a variety of massage and bodywork modalities so that you can make informed choices. This book is coauthored by a licensed massage therapist (Andrew Levine) and a licensed psychologist (Valerie Levine) who are also husband and wife. We would like to begin by sharing with you the evolution of our interest in massage and bodywork.

About Author:

Andrew S Levine is knows specialist in Orthopedic surgery, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fractures, Herniated Disc, Injury, Osteoporosis, Scoliosis, Spinal cord injury. Andrew Levine main speciality is Orthopedic Surgery. Andrew Levine have medical license in Texas and now have practice In Levine Orthopedic Center.

Orthopedic surgery deals with problems of the spine and the extremities. An orthopedic surgeon diagnoses and treats patients whose musculoskeletal problems include arthritis, trauma and congenital deformities. He or she also works with patients who have traumatic and overuse injuries. Using both surgical and non-surgical means, the orthopedic surgeon will treat injuries and degenerative problems of the spine and extremities, such as hands, feet, knees, shoulders and elbows.

Andy Levine Contact Information 5959 West Loop South Suite 375 Bellaire, TX 77401