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Tokyo Pua's Biography(Photos)

Tokyo Pua
Real Name: Ray Devans Affiliation: Fast Seduction Website:

TokyoPUA is a well known pickup artist from Japan, and co-founder of Fast Seduction.. Tokyo PUA was a happa (half Japanese, half white) living in Tokyo when he broke up with his girlfriend of 2 years. He started looking for answers online and found ASF and FS101. He found wings in Tokyo and began developing his skills in picking up Japanese women, and later Asian women in general. Tokyo PUA formed strong relationships with other PUAs and in particular FormHandle. They have since joined forces to manage the Fast Seduction website over the years and the mASF forums.

According to his own profile here are Tokyo PUA's stats:

Height: 179 cm (180 cm if asked by an Asian HB)
Weight: 80 kg
Profession: Manager and aspiring full time PUA
Languages: Fluent in English, Spanish, Japanese
Hobbies: Seduction, Computers and PDA's, Weightlifting, Judo, Origami, Electric Guitar, Self Improvement