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Savoy's Biography(Books)(Photos)

Real Name: Nicholas Benedict Affiliation: Love Systems Website:

Savoy aka Nicholas Benedict now runs the Mystery Method after parting ways with Mystery. Prior to joining the game, Nicholas Benedict studied business and graduated from Wharton with an MBA. Nick was unsuccessful with women prior to discovering the community in 2003. Since his split with Mystery, he has managed to develop Love Systems into its own company and moved forward with products on phone game, text game and managing relationships.

Mystery finally found a worthy business partner, Savoy, who has turned his financial life around. Nick Savoy co-founded the Mystery Method corporation, one of the original pickup companies. After a dispute with Mystery, Savoy went on to found a new pickup company by the name of Love Systems.He now runs workshops nearly every weekend. The price is a staggering $2,250, but from what I've seen, everyone leaves happy. - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.449.

Savoy has, over the years, had access to some the best in-field coaching minds anywhere, and he's synthesized this unique access into a practical and predictable method of female attraction escalation. To some, love and the game of pickup is an art. To Savoy, it is science, having set predictable rules with many aspects of social interaction playing out as predictably as Newtonian physics.

We've known Savoy for years and can attest to his thorough knowledge of the game. We've worked with him on collaborative projects and his intelligence and dedication in this field are at the top of the charts.

Nick Savoy rocketed pickup guru "Mystery" to international fame.

He is currently the President and CEO of highly-rated pickup coaching company, Love Systems Corporation and the author of Magic Bullets, one of the great bibles of dating science and social dynamics.

Nick Savoy Quotes

Most women tend to make sexual decisions based more on their emotional state than pure physical attraction. This does not mean that your looks are not important. They absolutely are, and if you are good-looking, some women will have sex with you based on your looks alone. However, while women vary greatly, most of the time you will need to make an emotional impact. One thing we've found in our combined tens of thousands of approaches is that there are four emotional triggers that - if you can activate them all - tend to make women say yes.

These are:

Feeling that a man's value is equal to or greater than hers.
Feeling that she's special to him or that she's earned his attention.
Feeling comfort and connection with him.
Feeling aroused by his touch without awkwardness or embarrassment.

Dating science isn't about the "killer pickup line" or the magic secret that unlocks women's hearts. It's about understanding the system and doing enough of the little things right to succeed with women.

Your journey might have started with smartphones, but don't let it end there. Dating science is real. It works. It's not manipulative, it's not only for certain kinds of guys, and it's not [insert whatever excuse you're making here].