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Prophet's Biography(Photos)

You would never recognize Prophet if you met him three years ago. He was depressed, socially awkward, and trapped in a horrible relationship with a woman who made his life miserable. He describes his former self as an overweight (he weighed over 320 lbs at his worst) computer geek who was obsessed with games like World of Warcraft and Warhammer 40,000. His social life consisted of playing online with his few friends and hanging out with his unemployed girlfriend who constantly harassed him for an engagement ring. He had very little luck with women in his past and despite his girlfriend's horrible personality, he could never muster the courage to break up with her because he feared that he couldn't do any better. "I had been in a nightclub maybe twice in my life, I had no idea how to talk to women, and I was perpetually afraid of making a move for fear of being rejected. I figured 'Well at least I have SOMEONE. What if I can't find someone else'"

Then one day his best friend Showcase, knowing how miserable he was, explained the concepts he had just read about in The Game by Neil Strauss and his life was changed forever. The two of them were out having some drinks during a rare social outing with some friends and Showcase took him aside and showed him how he just learned to open a set with an opinion opener. "It completely opened my eyes. As he started explaining concepts like negs and disqualification to me, it all made sense immediately. It was like I had been waiting for these kinds of answers my entire life. I realized then that if I didn't make a change I would spend the rest of my days with this woman who was slowly ruining my life."

Prophet then went straight to the VAH and started reading (he didn't even read The Game until a year and a half later). He and Showcase went out every night they could, read every article they could find, devoured any piece of material they could get their hands on. "We were obsessed. We tried any and every tactic or routine we could find. We tried to get everyone we knew into the game and everything we talked about was pick-up."

After finally meeting Mystery and Matador at a bootcamp in Toronto, Prophet became the forum admin on the brand new Venusian Arts website. Traveling around and helping out at Venusian Arts bootcamps across North America, Prophet met some of the biggest names in the community while being personally trained as an instructor by his new mentors. During this period of intense transformation, Prophet completely reinvented himself. "I changed my look a million times until I found one I liked, I started working out and losing weight, I tried ridiculous peacocking items, I changed my hair, I bought all new clothing, I got my ears pierced, and I even had my nails done. I completely forgot the old me and became the man I wanted to be."

Prophet's journey from AFC to PUA has been one of many wild experiences, and he attributes this to his philosophy (which he admits he stole from Style) "Push everything as far as it will go, and then try to push it 20% further, just to see what will happen." This philosophy has gotten him into some rather interesting situations, including bouncing at a strip club, hanging out in a nudist colony, dating a dominatrix, having a brief affair with a rock star, and having all sorts of crazy adventures with the usual assortment of models, aspiring actresses, and even a couple of burlesque dancers. "It's been an amazing journey. This is the life I had always dreamed of living. I committed to becoming an instructor and living this kind of lifestyle, and in only two years I made it happen. It's been such a ride that I actually have to avoid telling my AFC friends some of the crazier stories simply because they won't believe them."

Aside from his work as an instructor/site admin for Venusian Arts, Prophet is a software consultant at a leading software development firm while also financing, writing, and producing independent films with his wingman, Showcase. He has what he calls an addiction to knowledge and reads everything from fiction to philosophy to scientific works. He also loves anything to do with zombies. When he's not busy on one of his many projects, Prophet is usually out on the town with his friends and loved ones. "I want to live life to the fullest and try to experience as many new things as I can. There's nothing I love more than just jumping into my car with my wingmen and a couple of beautiful girls and just heading out on an adventure."