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Knack's Biography

Matthew Knack, a.k.a. Knack, has been in the seduction community for several years, and was trained by Matador and Hawaii several years ago. Knack is a Venusian Arts lead Instructor, and has trained contestants behind the scenes for "The Pickup Artist, Season Two."

Knack is an elementary school teacher, and uses his background as a professional educator to take a student specific approach to teaching pick up. Because he feels that each student is different, he tailors his instruction to the client's specific goals, abilities, and predilections. Knack consistently gets among the best reviews in the pickup industry.

Knack is a world traveler who has picked up various languages while he traveling. Knack travels to three or four new countries per year in his quest to experience various cultures. Knack's passions for travel and exotic women may well lead to the discovery of the future Mrs. Knack on one of these trips.