Hoobie's Biography(Photos) | |||
Hoobie is an Asian Instructor and Executive Coach with Real Social Dynamics. He is also an international playboy who is known for dating beautiful women taller than himself. Hoobie is the 4th speaker in the RSD program "Transformations Superconference". Hoobie is inspiration to all horny Asian boys. Hes 5ft6, dates models a head taller than him... and likes to record videos. Of hot chicks. Having sex. With him. As a world-traveling Playboy and the partner of a pharmaceutical business, Hoobie decided to travel the world and hangout with the guys that were writing articles about attracting and seducing attractive women. One of these men became a personal coach for Real Social Dynamics and Hoobie's future mentor. After traveling around the world and training with the Real Social Dynamics Instructors, Hoobie started teaching clients the arts of meeting, attracting, and seducing the world's most attractive women...from the initial opening to the final seduction. On top of that, his dedication to instruct others also inspired him to become the leader of an Australian organization dedicated to helping locals find wingmen and help each other attract women in their particular social scenes. Hoobie's talent in the field, dedication to helping others, and ability to charismatically and enthusiastically teach others attracted the attention of Real Social Dynamics Management, who invited Hoobie to train in the Project Hollywood Mansion's Executive Coach Training Program. After rigorous training, Hoobie became an Executive Coach, who now instructs at Real Social Dynamics Live Programs worldwide, including individualized 1-on-1 training through Sydney Bootcamps. "We met some very pretty girls, but Hugh [Hoobie] kept pushing me to start sets with them. It paid off. I got phone numbers from 4 girls, one of them was a famous model. Hugh gave me an image makeover and I looked amazing and it gave me the confidence to have a great night. I also learned how to escalate. I had girls coming up to me and closing me and calling me that night! That's never happened to me before. Hugh has a natural insight into how women think and what they respond to." | |||