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Herbal's Biography(Photos)

Real Name: Tynan Affiliation: Website:

Tynan, aka Herbal grew to fame as one of the main protagonists of Neil Strauss' tell-all novel, The Game. He is the author of the book Make Her Chase You and runs a website on lifestyle development.

Herbal AKA Tynan became famous in a large part due to his affiliation with Project Hollywood and eventually going out with Mystery's ex-GF, as detailed by Neil Strauss in The Game. After the lid blew open, Tynan branded himself on his site as "I am better than your boyfriend" and started offering pickup advice. Recently he again went through a process of personal re-invention and now writes about his non-conventional life at

Herbal was a tall, pale, even-tempered twenty-two-year-old PUA from Austin who peacocked by painting his nails silver and wearing all-white clothing. Like the rest of us, he was a reformed geek. But he owned a house in Texas, a Mercedes Benz S600, a Rolex, an office on Sunset Boulevard that he never went to, and a robot vacuum cleaner. - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.267.

Pickup artists abound on the market these days, some are "professional", while others are exist in the privacy of cyberspac. Tynan is a self described "eccentric, adventure seeking, entrepreneurial, vegan pickup artist who lives in Austin, Texas". On Better Than Your Boyfriend website he gives readers access his stories, opinions and adventures, as well as a few systems which were created to help men be more successful in dating.

Tynan wants to teach other men how to do better with women in terms of dating and hooking up. Some men may find his free training, forums and RSS feed to be valuable, and his quirky personality to be interesting. Also, others may opt to buy his "Make Her Chase You System", which is currently available for around $99.00. These products may well offer some men an entry into the seduction scene, and help them build their "game" and their "skills".

However, we would be remiss if we didn't mention that this is a constantly expanding scene, in which there are many products available. The best way we know of to get an idea of which system is best for you is to fully explore the scene and its history, through the books and documentaries that are available.

Herbal Quotes

Go find the Dating for Dummies book. It's bright yellow and black. I forget the exact page (78 maybe?), but find the page that has "NEVER USE THESE LINES" on it, and keep the book open to that page.

Walk up to a girl BLATANTLY and hold the book up in front of your face so she can easily read the title. She might start laughing, depending on how you do it.

Then slowly lower the book and read the lines. "So... come here often" in a super player voice. She will crack up and answer you. Break your "smooth" look on your face and quickly bring the book back up and read the next line "What's your sign?". She will laugh again and probably answer.

Then I usually say "Wow... this works great. Your turn". It puts her on the spot. You can flip to random pages and do tons of role-play... the breaking up stuff is great.

Eventually just stack with a relationship related opener, and you're in. I've done this a ton of times and it never fails to open.