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David Wygant's Biography(Photos)

David Wygant
Real Name: David Wygant Affiliation: Website:

David Wygant is a Los Angeles based dating in lifestyle coach with nearly 20 years of coaching experience. David has started his own dating company which offers private coaching to guys, and he was also the inspiration for the movie "Hitch".

David Wygant is a dating and lifestyle coach from LA with nearly 20 years of coaching experience. He was one of the first guys to offer private dating coaching for guys, and was one of the inspirations for the movie "Hitch". He is also one of the few guys who also offers coaching to women.

David Wygant now runs his own coaching company with a staff of coaches that offer private coaching and bootcamps, as well as a slew of dating related products.

Simply put, David Wygant is one of the most established and successful professional dating coaches on this planet. Over the course of his career, David has become a sought after media personality and has been featured as a dating expert on over 2000 radio shows. On television, David has appeared on E, Dateline, ABC News, CBS Good Morning, Inside Edition, MTV, Fox News, The Learning Channel, BBC, and Blind Date as well as many other shows. In print, David has been featured in over 200 publications such as Maxim, Men's Health, Cosmopolitan, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Daily Herald, The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Enquirer and New York Magazine. Online, David has worked with, Yahoo! Personals, Lavalife and many other dating sites. So who better to teach the secrets of making sure you get the second date whenever you so choose? Here's a hint: This audio program majors on supercharging attraction on first dates while eliminating "hidden detractors"--exactly what every man needs when meeting a woman for the first time.

David has appeared on E! Entertainment Television, FoxNews, Dateline NBC, CBS News, ABC News, MTV and on over 2,000 radio shows.

He has been featured & quoted in over 100 magazine and newspaper articles including in Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, and The Los Angeles Times.David also has been featured as a dating expert on over 2,000 radio shows and has been on television numerous times as well (the movie Hitch is even based on David!)

David Wygant Quotes

You're not a loser if you try to get help in your dating life, you're actually a winner, you're actually someone who understands that you have to hire somebody to help you do things that you've never done before.

The magic pill doesn't exist. If you don't work on your inner confidence, you'll never attract a woman, no matter what you say.
Women can smell a guy on the make. It's almost like a neon sign on your face. You're walking around, you're sniffing her out like a horny dog- you might as well start humping a post. You need to create a lifestyle for yourself that naturally connects you with women.

Women want to create a story. This is how women think. They want you to walk over to them and they want you to be that guy that they can tell all their friends: "I met this guy over ice cream at whole foods" or "I met this guy in line at Starbucks". You want to be Starbucks guy, because that's emotionally based. They want to create a story around you. They don't want to say you're just the guy she met at some bar the other night.

Life is a prop. Look at life like a giant television set. Everything you see in front of you is a conversation. Everything.