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Casanova Crew's Biography(Photos)

Casanova Crew
*CASANOVA CREW's Free Coaching/Infield Demos*

In the summer of 2008, J The Ripper began a new tradition that continues until this day: Free Coaching/Infield Demos. During these events, experienced Casanova Crew members are selected to give back to the community by taking the time to demo and coach. We do this to contribute to each others improvement and to share our experience with the CC family.

This idea was born out of the "Makeout Bootcamps" J The Ripper used to do back in 2007. He would take out the early CC members every weekend and demo his infamous five minute makeouts. These weren't pecks on the lips either, they were full-on tongue downs. This went on for a year, with CC members Malta and Niceguy filming his approaches.

Now, these infield demos have become a regular tradition for Casanova Crew. The knowledge and experience these events provide are amazing, and many members have benefitted from them. Newer members that need help past a sticking point have improved their performance. Experienced members that might have their own particular styles learn something new. No other lair does this sort of thing, which further sets us apart from all the other groups out there.

I would like to thank J The Ripper for starting this trend, as well as all the members who have conducted this free service to give back to their fellow Casanova.

B Bad Blue Decibel Doc Godfather Hydro Kurse MrShutDown Siren Steamroller The Black Knight Whisper Xaifer Zar

You can contact crew's respective leaders:

CC Los Angeles: Capt. Hook CC Originals: J The Ripper CC Orange County: Hydro CC Las Vegas: Constantine CC Inland Empire: SteamRoller CC Long Beach: B Bad