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Barb Ewing's Biography(Photos)

Barb Ewing
Barb Ewing and Maria Sude are the authors of "Disenchanted Evenings: A Girlfriend to Girlfriend Survival Guide for Coping with the Male Species." Published in April, 2000, this humorous, tongue-in-cheek manual quickly gained in popularity across the country. Ms. Ewing and Ms. Sude were the guests on several early morning radio shows from Anchorage, Alaska to Rochester, N.Y. The essence of this book centers around men who outwardly appear to be "Prince Charming," but are indeed "frogs" at heart. Ms. Ewing is a veteran language arts teacher in Hartville, Ohio, and the mother of three active teenagers. She married Don Cockroft, former punter/kicker for the Cleveland Browns, in August, 2000. Ms. Sude is an independent contractor for an international marketing company. She enjoys travel,working out, being with friends, reading, and taking care of her precious dog.