Asian Playboy's Biography(Photos) | |||
Asian Playboy (J.T.) Real Name: J.T. Tran Affiliation: ABCs of Attraction Website: As a former rocket scientist (literally), Asian Playboy has undergone a personal transformation from a shy left-brained engineer to the man recently named the "World's Greatest Asian Pickup Artist". Let's face it, if you want to know what it takes to get over a vicious case of approach anxiety and learn to meet women effectively, there's no better place to go than to the doorstep of an award-winning master pickup artist. And make no mistake, despite his Hefner-esque pen name, "APB" understands what a quality woman looks like and is all about helping good men become great. Several of my friends kept telling me that inviting him to be a part of VIRTUOSITY would be a major, major plus...and right they were. This is no tired retread of what you've heard a million times on this subject. Prepare yourself for radically new and transformational ideas--all gift-wrapped in an audio program that will improve your social life from the second you press "play". In JT's it's own words:When I graduated from college in 2001 (As a very late bloomer, I had my first kiss and girlfriend in college at the age of 20), I moved from Florida to California and suddenly realized that while I had been busy succeeding in academics, I hadn't taken the time to simultaneously develop my social skills. For 3 years I tried the standard, socially acceptable route for meeting women such as: Blind dates Happy hour Mixers Sports groups Online dating Etc After I got rejected from Eharmony for being too analytical and cerebral (how's that for a wakeup call?), I decided to do some research and educate myself on how to improve socially. That's when I discovered seduction arts in 2004. When I began to explore pick up, I knew instantly that I had discovered something that had the potential to change my life. Asian Playboy QuotesRacial stereotypes can be a difficult obstacle for many of our clients to overcome. Perceptions that Asian men are small, misogynistic, effeminate and asexual can make it extremely difficult for men to truly believe that they can have any woman that they want because they feel as though the odds are already stacked against them, regardless of what they do or say. I help my students overcome these stereotypes in a number of ways, primarily by leading by example. | |||