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Afc Adam Lyons's Biography(Books)(Photos)

Afc Adam Lyons
AFC Adam Real Name: Adam Lyons Affiliation: PUA Training Website:

AFC Adam Lyons is the UK's premier dating coach. He's been featured in everything from FHM to the Sunday Times, on Channel 4 to the Dallas Morning News! AFC Adam burst into the scene when a fellow PUA of his started getting too much unwanted media attention, and directed the spotlight to Adam. Adam is a self proclaimed nerd who played dungeons and dragons when he was little. He often starts out his seminars showcasing his nerdy side and actually embracing it.

Perhaps you caught him on the TV program The Rules of Seduction?

AFC Adam Lyons is now running bootcamps and programs.

Adam Lyons is a classic rags to riches story (women wise), and what's unique about him is that he remains a grounded and reachable person no matter how good or famous he gets. Adam stands out with his authenticity and charisma, and is especially known for using social proof game to the max, although there's plenty of evidence that his solo game doesn't fall behind.
Adam now works through PUA Training, and you can read more about him and see his in field videos.

AFC Adam Quotes

If you come out with me, you better bring your own entourage of at least 10 girls, because I am coming out with my 20.
I remember when I first got into the whole seduction scene and reading "the game" about how project hollywood got the whole deal wrong. The idea of living in a house full of guys just didn't interest me. I was much more interested in the whole hugh hefner lifestyle. So I decided to plan out a way I could duplicate the same lifestyle. I began making friends with girls in the London Nightclub circuit and instead of trying to sleep with them I just befriended them. Instead of going out gaming with guys I would get these girls to help me out. The social proof and pre-selection they gave me was off the chart. I would actually get opened by girls. After a while I ended up living a lifestyle where everywhere I went girls would come with me, and they were even competing to sleep with me, it was crazy.