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Abbas Abedi's Biography(Books)(Photos)

Abbas Abedi
Abbas Abedi author of collection of dating and seduction tips, romance and online dating tips for a man and a woman.

Abbas Abedi discovered his ability to seduce women by accident. He used to have quite a bit of difficulty meeting and approaching women until he began working on overcoming his shyness and building his confidence. Then he realized that more and more women were beginning to approach him wanting him to ask them out. To cut the story short he began experimenting with different lines and his success with women improved by leaps and bounds.

Abbas Abedi helps men build their self-esteem and provides effective tips so that they can be successful with any woman. This blog even provides free downloads of 50 page reports on Online Dating and Matchmaking and on Building Self Esteem, skills that every man needs to know to begin attracting women to themselves.

Abbas Abedi empowers his readers and tells them exactly what to do in order to improve themselves. He explains ways to overcome barriers that may be encountered on the road to successful seduction. He also provides tips on when women are open to flirting in order to reduce a man's chances of being rejected.